Saturday, August 9, 2014


As I haven't posted these yet within this blog, I thought I would share these—these are my current images of a series that I began awhile back. A friend had requested a rendition, in the manner I would choose, of an angel. I allowed my interest in science fiction/fantasy and depictions of the female form to drive what I eventually arrived at (notably the art of Coop, Sorayama, Olivia, Heavy Metal magazine, and influences of some similar nature). Since then, I have further explored this idea and have with some of these, revisited "characters" drawn before and tried to see if my previous attempts could be further improved upon. I do have these images available as prints on my Søciety 6 site here, should you have an interest in obtaining one of these.

Friday, March 14, 2014


A self portrait/Tarot character card project I undertook suggested by some friends via Facebook- I did some searches and took a couple of "Which Tarot card are you?" quizzes online, and decided to render this image. The project involved a limited pallet (though I broke that with the can after the fact). I found Wikipedia: Tarot-The_Emperor helpful with some of the ideas. I plan to make a card back at some point and utilize this for a promotional piece, as well as render some more of the cards.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"Fin" (a Life Aquatic submission to a local show)

Created for a local event celebrating the work of film maker Wes Anderson, my submission is entitled "Fin" - as in both the Jaguar Shark fin, and the denoting of the end of French film- though technically not the end of the film per se, this is the end of the Jaguar Shark hunt scene, which I think qualifies for the use of the pun. Stardust Video & Coffee: CALL TO ARTISTS - Wes Anderson Art Show